Environment Social Governance
Environmental and climate protection, ecological and social issues in corporate management – the central issues of our time. A need for action at every level. That also applies to staffing issues.
ESG is the management approach that stands for long-term, sustainable success. Investing responsibly means taking the risks out – in corporate strategy, investment and resources.
There is much to be done before a culture of innovation is firmly anchored in the company, which sets impulses, drives transformation, allows for diversity and, above all, actively practices it.
The paradigm shift doesn’t happen overnight. Indigo quickly identifies the weak spots and pushes to strengthen those areas by helping to get the right people on board. We start with the screening and evaluation of the company management. We systematically search for people who – in a variety of ways – differ, complement each other, and provide new impulses. We identify ESG experts who initiate the transformation process internally and use their voice externally to promote change in society as a whole.
ESG is a matter of honour for Indigo. Appreciation and respect of our environment and the diversity of the people who inhabit it. This is the basis of our actions. Innovative work in dynamic markets is our inspiration. And not just since yesterday.
For more than ten years, we have been intensively involved with ESG and related issues. This makes us a pioneer in the industry. Our track record is unsurpassed.